Cassava: Adding Value for Africa (CAVA II) is a project that aims to increase the incomes of at least 200,000 value chain actors, especially smallholder farmers and processors in Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda and Malawi, by at least USD177 million in five years. This will be achieved through stimulating sales of more than two million tons of cassava into HQCF and other cassava product value chains.
Dates: 01-04-2014 to 31-03-2019 | Funder: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Lead organisation: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
- Food Research Institute, Ghana
- Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Nigeria
- Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC), Tanzania
- Africa Innovations Institute, Uganda
- Chancellor College, University of Malawi